Definition of a team: A team is a group of individuals who work together for attaining goals while sharing thoughts, communicating, commitments, taking risks, positive attitude etc.
Teams could be good or bad. Good teams always prioritize their goals, share ideas, are transparent, motivate each other whereas bad teams are full of negativity, unfocused team members, lack integrity, distrust each other and poor at communication with each other.
There are numerous differences between good teams and bad teams. I tried to sum up the most important differences under the guidance of one of the best business coaches of India, Mr Sushil Arora who is having 20 years of experience in business coaching, startup coaching, corporate training and leadership training programs. Let’s understand some of the differences.
Good Team Vs Bad Team
1 Sharing Ideas: Good teams share positive creative thoughts & ideas whereas bad teams gossip, share negative concerns & blame each other. Good teams grow because they learn from their failures in the past, they share and implement new ideas & maintain a positive atmosphere. Bad teams blame each other for failures.
2. Celebrating Achievements: Best corporate trainers in India quote that good teams encourage and get inspired by other companion’s achievements whereas bad teams are always jealous of others’ achievements. Good teams maintain a healthy competitive atmosphere. Bad team members have jealous attitudes with others’ success.
3. Commitment: Good teams are committed to achieve collective goals whereas bad team members are self centred. Good teams understand that commitment plays a vital role to achieve goals. Bad teams do not make any commitments.
4. Taking Risk: Good teams accept high risk challenges whereas those who bad teams don’t plan collectively which results in losing the games. Risk taking team members always prove as good team leaders whereas bad teams avoid taking risks and find excuses.
5. Growth Oriented: Good teams encourage team members to grow whereas vice versa don’t care about others’ growth. Good team members motivate each other as their moral responsibility on how to grow and achieve more and more. Bad teams do not support other team members’ growth.
6. Open Communication: Good teams create open communication space whereas those who don’t give importance to transparency tend to fail. Good teams are always open to discuss ideas for better results whereas bad team members play dirty games to harass each other and create silos.
7. Exploring Possibilities: As the law of attraction says your thoughts become things. Good teammates always find possibilities in all the situations whereas opposites always find problems all around. Finding possibilities in every situation is a key characteristic of good team members whereas bad teams find ways to blame everything around.
8. Learning Aptitude: Good teams find opportunities for learning whereas bad teams’ members find excuses to postpone their participation in learning programs. Learning is the first part of attaining desires in life whereas bad teams’ members do not take interest in seeking more knowledge or in upgrading their skills to be successful (video).
9. Focus: Focus enhances performances. Good teams focus on the positive aspects as compared to bad team members, who generally work like fault finding machines. Good team members always carry a positive attitude whereas bad teams are full of negativity.
10. Responsibility: Good team members take & share responsibility than bad team members, who shirk work & responsibilities, which leads to failures and missing goals. Good team members are always ready to take responsibility whereas bad teams’ members find ways to avoid responsibilities.
11. Think Positive: Positive thinking builds a good team. Good teams’ members think and talk positively whereas those who worry about failures tend to be considered as bad teams. Thinking positive and planning leads to positive results whereas bad teams’ members share negative past incidents and stick to them.
12. Respect & Love: Good teams respect and love their team members whereas bad teams play games for leg-pulling. Good team members always have loving nature whereas bad teams’ members do not have strong bonding or relationship with their team leading to low results.
Watch the video for Top 10 TEAM BUILDING GAMES || Team Building Activities in India
To know more about Life and Business coach Sushil Arora watch, Know Your Coach- Motivational Speaker & Corporate Trainer – Sushil Arora
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