Breaking Of Mental Barriers
Introduction to Breaking Of Mental Barriers (B.O.M.B.)
Everyone is scared of fire and broken glass as both of them. In this breaking of mental barriers (B.O.M.B.) workshop, every participant is expected to walk on the pieces of broken glass and undoubtedly, all are reluctant.
The task has to be performed with due diligence. Completing the task works as an access to unexplored human potential. Many a times, in our lives we have opportunities, but we are not able to play the game with a winning strategy and explore full potential.
This workshop works on subconscious mind and delivers extra-ordinary results by removing all the mental barriers. Exploring new ways and means for extra-ordinary success in life is the Mantra of the workshop.
It empowers to bounce back with additional energy to face competition or ever new challenges. It’s best suited for one or two day annual conferences of companies or at dealer meet, where time is a constraint, but max results are expected in a short span of time. Watch glimpses of the activity in a corporate event as Management Activity Walking on Broken Glass at 3.30 minutes onward.
Changing Environments :
Today’s generation or Millenials, as called generally, have altogether different approach to effectiveness and workplace. It is very important to fill the gaps in work-style of Generation X versus Generation Y versus Generation Z.
Earlier generations need to adapt various technological changes as well as today’s generation needs to be trained into Life Skills as well as other performance principles. Watch the complete video for a better understanding of today’s generation Success without Goals.
The breaking of mental barriers (B.O.M.B.) workshop is best suited for small scale to middle level businessmen, middle level managers and professionals or start-up entrepreneurs who want to give a kick-start to their career.
Real-time participation in the daring activity enables them to explore their potential for better planning of resources and managing self and teams in a better way. It also works as an activity to increase love and bonding between the couples as in the video Walking on Broken Glass.
Real-Time Activity, of walking on broken glass pieces, involves and keeps everyone present in the moment. It provides an access to unexplored human potential.
It comprises brain-storming by means of discussion and sharing experiences with audio visual aids.
Participant Testimonials and Feedback on Breaking Of Mental Barriers
Here’s a video of last interaction participants’: