While writing this article, i am over whelmed to have received wishes and blessings in abundance on my birthday from my community. And I wish, you also have the similar experience on your Birthday. This article, describing benefits of wishing Birthday, is in reciprocation to the love and respect shown on the occasion by family, friends, colleagues, seniors, students, clients and all well-wishers.
1. Enhanced Productivity : Birthday wishes generate a feel good factor in our body. When we feel good, we produce results. When we produce results, we feel good. So what can we control first, feeling good or producing results ! Obvious answer is feel good. And wishing someone a birthday or anniversary makes us feel good & productive by producing results in our own lives.
2. Positive Thinking : When birthday wishes are sent to someone, actually we use all the positive words. Good thoughts cross our mind and all negative thoughts are vanished. Because we can’t be thinking good and bad at the same time. We can’t be happy and sad at the same time. Our brain is forced to think positive.
3. Vicious Circle of Positivity : Sending birthday wishes starts a positive vicious circle of positivity. When we support someone, the receiver supports others and produces a chain reaction. Again the receiver reciprocates and the chain reaction continues, generating a positive aura all around.
4. What We Give, Comes Back Multiplied : This is a universal law that whatever we give to the universe, comes back to us multiplied. So see what are we spreading all around – positive good thoughts, happiness, harmony or the vice versa. If we give love love & respect, we receive the same and vice versa too.
5. Energy Travels : Energy Travels and comes back to us in one way or the other. It establishes our goodness in the space, as only pure souls wish and share positivity with each other. We attract positive Energy. Swami Vivekananda and Nikola Tesla have beautifully established that Everything in this Universe is nothing except Energy.
6. Well Begun is Half Done : By wishing someone in the morning, we start our day on a positive note. And it’s a very old and established saying that well begun is half done. Whatever we start, after wishing anyone, gets a good kick and a positive start, increasing its chances of timely completion.
7. Aura of Happiness : While we celebrate by wishing or cutting birthday cake, all the team and people around are engrossed with positive thoughts, creating happiness, feel good factor and finally productivity out of the chain reaction started at the occasion. As the Aura of happiness is contagious.
8. Leaders Celebrate : Birthday wishes break our daily monotonous routine life and introduce us to a new world of celebration. Celebrating success is a characteristic of Leader. When we wish & celebrate, we show up as leaders in our lives and jump back into life & work with double or multiplied energy level, ensuring increased effectiveness.
9. Time Management : Everyone is busy in managing daily routine life matters running after name or fame or power. While we manage time to wish others, we tell our subconscious mind that we are good managers of time also. Thereby increasing our own confidence as a good time manager relieves us from any guilt or constraint of shortage of time.
10. Relationship Strengthening : Last but not the least, human beings are social animals. Greeting, meeting or celebrating makes us socialise with our friends and community resulting into more strong relationship & bonding with each other and supports us in living a better life with a good work life balance.
Like your approach Sushil ji.
Thanks for the return gift..never thought this way !!
Learning is ever empowering ..
Thanks and regards.