99 Days Challenge is a journey from setting goals to creating pathways for success.
We all know how to be successful, but, not everyone is successful. Why! Because it’s all about application and implementation.
99 Days Challenge enables you with a structure of self-discipline. Which empowers you to continuously moving faster towards achieving your goals.
It’s a combination of off-line and online training which provides an opportunity create habits of self-discipline and you start moving towards your success with full responsibility and support from our team.
It gives a kick-start to your action plan with strong belief system as well as an empowering context to execute and implement the action plan.
Starting on 8th December with full day training workshop full of management games and learning activities on Day 1, 22, 50, 78 and Day 99 along with 94 online sessions. The investment for the workshop is Rs.10500/- inclusive of taxes.