MAYA YOGA is one of the most power-packed and sought-after workshops ever. Most unique combination – As Day one works on behavioral patterns of human being related to money whereas second day is full of practical knowledge about various investment avenues of money for Financial Freedom.
DAY ONE : Various exercises on first day make one recognize oneself as an identity different than the past. One is able to recognize that Not Having Finances or Being Poor is a State of Mind. Outer world is just a reflection of Inner World. Creation of finances from inner resources is critical to create the same in the outer world. It’s just like energy that needs to be created inside out and not vice versa. Frees oneself from the constraints of past and is able to recognize the possibility of abundance than survival. One is able to see oneself as powerful, independent confident of any resources required to create abundance. One becomes aware of one’s earning, spending, saving and investment patterns, creates an access to break the shackles of working hard 24*7 365 days and ready to utilize the Power of Compounding towards Wealth Creation.
DAY TWO : Day Two is focused on Putting your Money to Work Harder Than Us.
Current scenario of 21st Century demands more than one earning members of the family which is not possible for all. So our hard earned & saved money has to be put to work harder and join hands as another working life partner. Not to let it sit idle and grow slow in FD or PPF or Gold, rather to be even aware of all Investment avenues. We stand to empower Retail Investor with knowledge and awareness.
Here is the video coverage of the last workshop Reviews and Feedback and also a link of the video on sharing of Experiences by Participants.
Spending money to participate in such small workshops gives best returns as expenditure should be considered as investment in self growth. Take the first step towards your financial freedom with a call for further details @82880-10101.